Source code for pypi_simple.client

from __future__ import annotations
from import Callable, Iterator
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import platform
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Optional
from mailbits import ContentType
from packaging.utils import canonicalize_name as normalize
import requests
from . import ACCEPT_ANY, PYPI_SIMPLE_ENDPOINT, __url__, __version__
from .classes import DistributionPackage, IndexPage, ProjectPage
from .errors import (
from .html_stream import parse_links_stream_response
from .progress import ProgressTracker, null_progress_tracker
from .util import AbstractDigestChecker, DigestChecker, NullDigestChecker

#: The User-Agent header used for requests; not used when the user provides eir
#: own session object
USER_AGENT: str = "pypi-simple/{} ({}) requests/{} {}/{}".format(

[docs] class PyPISimple: """ A client for fetching package information from a Python simple package repository. If necessary, login/authentication details for the repository can be specified at initialization by setting the ``auth`` parameter to either a ``(username, password)`` pair or `another authentication object accepted by requests <>`_. If more complicated session configuration is desired (e.g., setting up caching), the user must create & configure a `requests.Session` object appropriately and pass it to the constructor as the ``session`` parameter. A `PyPISimple` instance can be used as a context manager that will automatically close its session on exit, regardless of where the session object came from. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 ``accept`` parameter added :param str endpoint: The base URL of the simple API instance to query; defaults to the base URL for PyPI's simple API :param auth: Optional login/authentication details for the repository; either a ``(username, password)`` pair or `another authentication object accepted by requests <>`_ :param session: Optional `requests.Session` object to use instead of creating a fresh one :param str accept: The :mailheader:`Accept` header to send in requests in order to specify what serialization format the server should return; defaults to `ACCEPT_ANY` """ def __init__( self, endpoint: str = PYPI_SIMPLE_ENDPOINT, auth: Any = None, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None, accept: str = ACCEPT_ANY, ) -> None: self.endpoint: str = endpoint.rstrip("/") + "/" self.s: requests.Session if session is not None: self.s = session else: self.s = requests.Session() self.s.headers["User-Agent"] = USER_AGENT if auth is not None: self.s.auth = auth self.accept = accept def __enter__(self) -> PyPISimple: return self def __exit__( self, _exc_type: Optional[type[BaseException]], _exc_val: Optional[BaseException], _exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: self.s.close()
[docs] def get_index_page( self, timeout: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, accept: Optional[str] = None, headers: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> IndexPage: """ Fetches the index/root page from the simple repository and returns an `IndexPage` instance. .. warning:: PyPI's project index file is very large and takes several seconds to parse. Use this method sparingly. .. warning:: PyPI's top-level simple HTML page is cached for 24 hours, meaning that new projects won't show up on this page immediately. Access the project page directly if you need immediate results. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 ``accept`` parameter added .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0 ``headers`` parameter added :param timeout: optional timeout to pass to the ``requests`` call :type timeout: float | tuple[float,float] | None :param Optional[str] accept: The :mailheader:`Accept` header to send in order to specify what serialization format the server should return; defaults to the value supplied on client instantiation :param Optional[dict[str, str]] headers: Custom headers to provide for the request. :rtype: IndexPage :raises requests.HTTPError: if the repository responds with an HTTP error code :raises UnsupportedContentTypeError: if the repository responds with an unsupported :mailheader:`Content-Type` :raises UnsupportedRepoVersionError: if the repository version has a greater major component than the supported repository version """ request_headers = {"Accept": accept or self.accept} if headers: request_headers.update(headers) r = self.s.get( self.endpoint, timeout=timeout, headers=request_headers, ) r.raise_for_status() return IndexPage.from_response(r)
[docs] def stream_project_names( self, chunk_size: int = 65535, timeout: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, accept: Optional[str] = None, headers: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> Iterator[str]: """ Returns a generator of names of projects available in the repository. The names are not normalized. Unlike `get_index_page()`, this function makes a streaming request to the server and parses the document in chunks. It is intended to be faster than the other methods, especially when the complete document is very large. .. warning:: This function is rather experimental. It does not have full support for web encodings, encoding detection, or handling invalid HTML. .. note:: If the server responds with a JSON representation of the Simple API rather than an HTML representation, the response body will be loaded & parsed in its entirety before yielding anything. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 ``accept`` parameter added .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0 ``headers`` parameter added :param int chunk_size: how many bytes to read from the response at a time :param timeout: optional timeout to pass to the ``requests`` call :type timeout: float | tuple[float,float] | None :param Optional[str] accept: The :mailheader:`Accept` header to send in order to specify what serialization format the server should return; defaults to the value supplied on client instantiation :param Optional[dict[str, str]] headers: Custom headers to provide for the request. :rtype: Iterator[str] :raises requests.HTTPError: if the repository responds with an HTTP error code :raises UnsupportedContentTypeError: if the repository responds with an unsupported :mailheader:`Content-Type` :raises UnsupportedRepoVersionError: if the repository version has a greater major component than the supported repository version """ request_headers = {"Accept": accept or self.accept} if headers: request_headers.update(headers) with self.s.get( self.endpoint, stream=True, timeout=timeout, headers=request_headers, ) as r: r.raise_for_status() ct = ContentType.parse(r.headers.get("content-type", "text/html")) if ct.content_type == "application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+json": page = IndexPage.from_json_data(r.json()) yield from page.projects elif ( ct.content_type == "application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+html" or ct.content_type == "text/html" ): for link in parse_links_stream_response(r, chunk_size): yield link.text else: raise UnsupportedContentTypeError(r.url, str(ct))
[docs] def get_project_page( self, project: str, timeout: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, accept: Optional[str] = None, headers: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> ProjectPage: """ Fetches the page for the given project from the simple repository and returns a `ProjectPage` instance. Raises `NoSuchProjectError` if the repository responds with a 404. All other HTTP errors cause a `requests.HTTPError` to be raised. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - A 404 now causes `NoSuchProjectError` to be raised instead of returning `None` - ``accept`` parameter added .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0 ``headers`` parameter added :param str project: The name of the project to fetch information on. The name does not need to be normalized. :param timeout: optional timeout to pass to the ``requests`` call :type timeout: float | tuple[float,float] | None :param Optional[str] accept: The :mailheader:`Accept` header to send in order to specify what serialization format the server should return; defaults to the value supplied on client instantiation :param Optional[dict[str, str]] headers: Custom headers to provide for the request. :rtype: ProjectPage :raises NoSuchProjectError: if the repository responds with a 404 error code :raises requests.HTTPError: if the repository responds with an HTTP error code other than 404 :raises UnsupportedContentTypeError: if the repository responds with an unsupported :mailheader:`Content-Type` :raises UnsupportedRepoVersionError: if the repository version has a greater major component than the supported repository version """ request_headers = {"Accept": accept or self.accept} if headers: request_headers.update(headers) url = self.get_project_url(project) r = self.s.get(url, timeout=timeout, headers=request_headers) if r.status_code == 404: raise NoSuchProjectError(project, url) r.raise_for_status() return ProjectPage.from_response(r, project)
[docs] def get_project_url(self, project: str) -> str: """ Returns the URL for the given project's page in the repository. :param str project: The name of the project to build a URL for. The name does not need to be normalized. :rtype: str """ return self.endpoint + normalize(project) + "/"
[docs] def download_package( self, pkg: DistributionPackage, path: AnyStr | os.PathLike[AnyStr], verify: bool = True, keep_on_error: bool = False, progress: Optional[Callable[[Optional[int]], ProgressTracker]] = None, timeout: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, headers: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> None: """ Download the given `DistributionPackage` to the given path. If an error occurs while downloading or verifying digests, and ``keep_on_error`` is not true, the downloaded file is not saved. Download progress can be tracked (e.g., for display by a progress bar) by passing an appropriate callable as the ``progress`` argument. This callable will be passed the length of the downloaded file, if known, and it must return a `ProgressTracker` — a context manager with an ``update(increment: int)`` method that will be passed the size of each downloaded chunk as each chunk is received. .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0 ``headers`` parameter added :param DistributionPackage pkg: the distribution package to download :param path: the path at which to save the downloaded file; any parent directories of this path will be created as needed :param bool verify: whether to verify the package's digests against the downloaded file :param bool keep_on_error: whether to keep (true) or delete (false; default) the downloaded file if an error occurs :param progress: a callable for constructing a progress tracker :param timeout: optional timeout to pass to the ``requests`` call :type timeout: float | tuple[float,float] | None :param Optional[dict[str, str]] headers: Custom headers to provide for the request. :raises requests.HTTPError: if the repository responds with an HTTP error code :raises NoDigestsError: if ``verify`` is true and the given package does not have any digests with known algorithms :raises DigestMismatchError: if ``verify`` is true and the digest of the downloaded file does not match the expected value """ target = Path(os.fsdecode(path)) target.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) digester: AbstractDigestChecker if verify: digester = DigestChecker(pkg.digests, pkg.url) else: digester = NullDigestChecker() with self.s.get(pkg.url, stream=True, timeout=timeout, headers=headers) as r: r.raise_for_status() try: content_length = int(r.headers["Content-Length"]) except (ValueError, KeyError): content_length = None if progress is None: progress = null_progress_tracker() try: with progress(content_length) as p: with"wb") as fp: for chunk in r.iter_content(65535): fp.write(chunk) digester.update(chunk) p.update(len(chunk)) digester.finalize() except Exception: if not keep_on_error: try: target.unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass raise
[docs] def get_package_metadata_bytes( self, pkg: DistributionPackage, verify: bool = True, timeout: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, headers: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> bytes: """ .. versionadded:: 1.5.0 Retrieve the `distribution metadata`_ for the given `DistributionPackage` as raw bytes. This method is lower-level than `PyPISimple.get_package_metadata()` and is most appropriate if you want to defer interpretation of the data (e.g., if you're just writing to a file) or want to customize the handling of non-UTF-8 data. Not all packages have distribution metadata available for download; the `DistributionPackage.has_metadata` attribute can be used to check whether the repository reported the availability of the metadata. This method will always attempt to download metadata regardless of the value of `~DistributionPackage.has_metadata`; if the server replies with a 404, a `NoMetadataError` is raised. :param DistributionPackage pkg: the distribution package to retrieve the metadata of :param bool verify: whether to verify the metadata's digests against the retrieved data :param timeout: optional timeout to pass to the ``requests`` call :type timeout: float | tuple[float,float] | None :param Optional[dict[str, str]] headers: Custom headers to provide for the request. :rtype: bytes :raises NoMetadataError: if the repository responds with a 404 error code :raises requests.HTTPError: if the repository responds with an HTTP error code other than 404 :raises NoDigestsError: if ``verify`` is true and the given package's metadata does not have any digests with known algorithms :raises DigestMismatchError: if ``verify`` is true and the digest of the downloaded data does not match the expected value """ digester: AbstractDigestChecker if verify: digester = DigestChecker(pkg.metadata_digests or {}, pkg.metadata_url) else: digester = NullDigestChecker() r = self.s.get(pkg.metadata_url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 404: raise NoMetadataError(pkg.filename, pkg.metadata_url) r.raise_for_status() digester.update(r.content) digester.finalize() return r.content
[docs] def get_package_metadata( self, pkg: DistributionPackage, verify: bool = True, timeout: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, headers: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> str: """ .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 Retrieve the `distribution metadata`_ for the given `DistributionPackage` and decode it as UTF-8. The metadata can then be parsed with, for example, |the packaging package|_. Not all packages have distribution metadata available for download; the `DistributionPackage.has_metadata` attribute can be used to check whether the repository reported the availability of the metadata. This method will always attempt to download metadata regardless of the value of `~DistributionPackage.has_metadata`; if the server replies with a 404, a `NoMetadataError` is raised. .. _distribution metadata: .. |the packaging package| replace:: the ``packaging`` package .. _the packaging package: .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0 ``headers`` parameter added :param DistributionPackage pkg: the distribution package to retrieve the metadata of :param bool verify: whether to verify the metadata's digests against the retrieved data :param timeout: optional timeout to pass to the ``requests`` call :type timeout: float | tuple[float,float] | None :param Optional[dict[str, str]] headers: Custom headers to provide for the request. :rtype: str :raises NoMetadataError: if the repository responds with a 404 error code :raises requests.HTTPError: if the repository responds with an HTTP error code other than 404 :raises NoDigestsError: if ``verify`` is true and the given package's metadata does not have any digests with known algorithms :raises DigestMismatchError: if ``verify`` is true and the digest of the downloaded data does not match the expected value """ return self.get_package_metadata_bytes( pkg, verify, timeout, headers, ).decode("utf-8", "surrogateescape")
[docs] def get_provenance( self, pkg: DistributionPackage, verify: bool = True, timeout: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, headers: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ .. versionadded:: 1.6.0 Retrieve the :pep:`740` ``.provenance`` file for the given `DistributionPackage` and decode it as JSON. Not all packages have ``.provenance`` files available for download; cf. `DistributionPackage.provenance_sha256`. This method will always attempt to download the ``.provenance`` file regardless of the value of `DistributionPackage.provenance_sha256`; if the server replies with a 404, a `NoProvenanceError` is raised. :param DistributionPackage pkg: the distribution package to retrieve the ``.provenance`` file of :param bool verify: whether to verify the ``.provenance`` file's SHA 256 digest against the retrieved data :param timeout: optional timeout to pass to the ``requests`` call :type timeout: float | tuple[float,float] | None :param Optional[dict[str, str]] headers: Custom headers to provide for the request. :rtype: dict[str, Any] :raises NoProvenanceError: if the repository responds with a 404 error code :raises requests.HTTPError: if the repository responds with an HTTP error code other than 404 :raises NoDigestsError: if ``verify`` is true and ``pkg.provenance_sha256`` is `None` :raises DigestMismatchError: if ``verify`` is true and the digest of the downloaded data does not match the expected value """ digester: AbstractDigestChecker if verify: if pkg.provenance_sha256 is not None: digests = {"sha256": pkg.provenance_sha256} else: digests = {} digester = DigestChecker(digests, pkg.provenance_url) else: digester = NullDigestChecker() r = self.s.get(pkg.provenance_url, timeout=timeout, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 404: raise NoProvenanceError(pkg.filename, pkg.provenance_url) r.raise_for_status() digester.update(r.content) digester.finalize() return json.loads(r.content) # type: ignore[no-any-return]