Source code for pypi_simple.classes

import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
from warnings import warn
from .filenames import parse_filename
from .util import basejoin

[docs]class DistributionPackage(NamedTuple): """ Information about a versioned archive file from which a Python project release can be installed .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 `yanked` attribute added .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 `has_metadata`, `metadata_url`, and `metadata_digests` attributes added .. versionchanged:: 0.10.0 `digests` attribute added """ #: The basename of the package file filename: str #: The URL from which the package file can be downloaded, with any hash #: digest fragment removed #: #: .. versionchanged:: 0.10.0 #: Hash digest fragments are now stripped from the URL url: str #: The name of the project (as extracted from the filename), or `None` if #: the filename cannot be parsed project: Optional[str] #: The project version (as extracted from the filename), or `None` if the #: filename cannot be parsed version: Optional[str] #: The type of the package, or `None` if the filename cannot be parsed. #: The recognized package types are: #: #: - ``'dumb'`` #: - ``'egg'`` #: - ``'msi'`` #: - ``'rpm'`` #: - ``'sdist'`` #: - ``'wheel'`` #: - ``'wininst'`` package_type: Optional[str] #: An optional version specifier string declaring the Python version(s) in #: which the package can be installed requires_python: Optional[str] #: Whether the package file is accompanied by a PGP signature file. This #: is `None` if the package repository does not report such information. #: #: .. versionchanged:: 0.7.0 #: Will now be `None` if not specified by repository; previously would #: be `False` in such a situation has_sig: Optional[bool] #: If the package file has been "yanked" from the package repository #: (meaning that it should only be installed when that specific version is #: requested), this attribute will be a string giving the reason why it was #: yanked; otherwise, it is `None`. yanked: Optional[str] #: A collection of hash digests for the file as a `dict` mapping hash #: algorithm names to hex-encoded digest strings digests: Dict[str, str] #: Whether the package file is accompanied by a Core Metadata file. This #: is `None` if the package repository does not report such information. #: #: .. versionchanged:: 0.10.0 #: Will now be `None` if not specified by repository has_metadata: Optional[bool] = None #: If the package repository provides a Core Metadata file for the package, #: this is a (possibly empty) `dict` of digests of the file, given as a #: mapping from hash algorithm names to hex-encoded digest strings; #: otherwise, it is `None` metadata_digests: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None @property def sig_url(self) -> str: """ The URL of the package file's PGP signature file, if it exists; cf. `has_sig` .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 Now always defined; would previously be `None` if `has_sig` was false """ u = urlparse(self.url) return urlunparse((u[0], u[1], u[2] + ".asc", "", "", "")) @property def metadata_url(self) -> str: """ The URL of the package file's Core Metadata file, if it exists; cf. `has_metadata` .. versionchanged:: 0.10.0 Now always defined; would previously be `None` if `has_metadata` was false """ u = urlparse(self.url) return urlunparse((u[0], u[1], u[2] + ".metadata", "", "", ""))
[docs] def get_digests(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Returns the hash digests for the file as a `dict` mapping hash algorithm names to hex-encoded digest strings .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Use `digests` instead """ warn( "The get_digests() method is deprecated. Use the `digests`" " attribute instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.digests
[docs] @classmethod def from_pep691_details( cls, data: Any, project_hint: Optional[str] = None, base_url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "DistributionPackage": """ .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 Construct a `DistributionPackage` from an object taken from the ``"files"`` field of a :pep:`691` project detail response. :param data: a file dictionary :param Optional[str] project_hint: Optionally, the expected value for the project name (usually the name of the project page on which the link was found). The name does not need to be normalized. :param Optional[str] base_url: an optional URL to join to the front of a relative file URL (usually the URL of the page being parsed) :rtype: DistributionPackage :raises TypeError: if ``data`` is not a `dict` """ if not isinstance(data, dict): raise TypeError( f"JSON file details object is {type(data)} instead of a dict" ) project, version, pkg_type = parse_filename(data["filename"], project_hint) yankfield = data.get("yanked", False) yanked: Optional[str] if yankfield is True: yanked = "" elif yankfield is False: yanked = None else: if not isinstance(yankfield, str): raise TypeError(f'"yanked" field is not a str: {yankfield!r}') yanked = yankfield mddigest = data.get("dist-info-metadata") metadata_digests: Optional[Dict[str, str]] if mddigest is None: has_metadata = None metadata_digests = None elif mddigest is False: has_metadata = False metadata_digests = None elif mddigest is True: has_metadata = True metadata_digests = {} else: has_metadata = True metadata_digests = mddigest return cls( filename=data["filename"], url=basejoin(base_url, data["url"]), has_sig=data.get("gpg-sig"), requires_python=data.get("requires-python"), project=project, version=version, package_type=pkg_type, yanked=yanked, digests=data["hashes"], metadata_digests=metadata_digests, has_metadata=has_metadata, )
[docs]class ProjectPage(NamedTuple): """ .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 A parsed project page from a simple repository """ #: The name of the project the page is for project: str #: A list of packages (as `DistributionPackage` objects) listed on the #: project page packages: List[DistributionPackage] #: The repository version reported by the page, or `None` if not specified repository_version: Optional[str] #: The value of the :mailheader:`X-PyPI-Last-Serial` response header #: returned when fetching the page, or `None` if not specified last_serial: Optional[str]
[docs]class IndexPage(NamedTuple): """ .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 A parsed index/root page from a simple repository """ #: The project names listed in the index. The names are not normalized. projects: List[str] #: The repository version reported by the page, or `None` if not specified repository_version: Optional[str] #: The value of the :mailheader:`X-PyPI-Last-Serial` response header #: returned when fetching the page, or `None` if not specified last_serial: Optional[str]