
class pypi_simple.PyPISimple(endpoint: str = 'https://pypi.org/simple/', auth: Optional[Any] = None, session: Optional[Session] = None, accept: str = 'application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+json, application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+html, text/html;q=0.01')[source]

A client for fetching package information from a Python simple package repository.

If necessary, login/authentication details for the repository can be specified at initialization by setting the auth parameter to either a (username, password) pair or another authentication object accepted by requests.

If more complicated session configuration is desired (e.g., setting up caching), the user must create & configure a requests.Session object appropriately and pass it to the constructor as the session parameter.

A PyPISimple instance can be used as a context manager that will automatically close its session on exit, regardless of where the session object came from.

Changed in version 1.0.0: accept parameter added

  • endpoint (str) – The base URL of the simple API instance to query; defaults to the base URL for PyPI’s simple API

  • auth

    Optional login/authentication details for the repository; either a (username, password) pair or another authentication object accepted by requests

  • session – Optional requests.Session object to use instead of creating a fresh one

  • accept (str) – The Accept header to send in requests in order to specify what serialization format the server should return; defaults to ACCEPT_ANY

get_index_page(timeout: Optional[Union[float, tuple[float, float]]] = None, accept: Optional[str] = None) IndexPage[source]

Fetches the index/root page from the simple repository and returns an IndexPage instance.


PyPI’s project index file is very large and takes several seconds to parse. Use this method sparingly.

Changed in version 1.0.0: accept parameter added

  • timeout (float | tuple[float,float] | None) – optional timeout to pass to the requests call

  • accept (Optional[str]) – The Accept header to send in order to specify what serialization format the server should return; defaults to the value supplied on client instantiation

Return type


stream_project_names(chunk_size: int = 65535, timeout: Optional[Union[float, tuple[float, float]]] = None, accept: Optional[str] = None) Iterator[str][source]

Returns a generator of names of projects available in the repository. The names are not normalized.

Unlike get_index_page(), this function makes a streaming request to the server and parses the document in chunks. It is intended to be faster than the other methods, especially when the complete document is very large.


This function is rather experimental. It does not have full support for web encodings, encoding detection, or handling invalid HTML.


If the server responds with a JSON representation of the Simple API rather than an HTML representation, the response body will be loaded & parsed in its entirety before yielding anything.

Changed in version 1.0.0: accept parameter added

  • chunk_size (int) – how many bytes to read from the response at a time

  • timeout (float | tuple[float,float] | None) – optional timeout to pass to the requests call

  • accept (Optional[str]) – The Accept header to send in order to specify what serialization format the server should return; defaults to the value supplied on client instantiation

Return type


get_project_page(project: str, timeout: Optional[Union[float, tuple[float, float]]] = None, accept: Optional[str] = None) ProjectPage[source]

Fetches the page for the given project from the simple repository and returns a ProjectPage instance. Raises NoSuchProjectError if the repository responds with a 404. All other HTTP errors cause a requests.HTTPError to be raised.

Changed in version 1.0.0:

  • project (str) – The name of the project to fetch information on. The name does not need to be normalized.

  • timeout (float | tuple[float,float] | None) – optional timeout to pass to the requests call

  • accept (Optional[str]) – The Accept header to send in order to specify what serialization format the server should return; defaults to the value supplied on client instantiation

Return type


get_project_url(project: str) str[source]

Returns the URL for the given project’s page in the repository.


project (str) – The name of the project to build a URL for. The name does not need to be normalized.

Return type


download_package(pkg: DistributionPackage, path: Union[AnyStr, PathLike], verify: bool = True, keep_on_error: bool = False, progress: Optional[Callable[[Optional[int]], ProgressTracker]] = None, timeout: Optional[Union[float, tuple[float, float]]] = None) None[source]

Download the given DistributionPackage to the given path.

If an error occurs while downloading or verifying digests, and keep_on_error is not true, the downloaded file is not saved.

Download progress can be tracked (e.g., for display by a progress bar) by passing an appropriate callable as the progress argument. This callable will be passed the length of the downloaded file, if known, and it must return a ProgressTracker — a context manager with an update(increment: int) method that will be passed the size of each downloaded chunk as each chunk is received.

  • pkg (DistributionPackage) – the distribution package to download

  • path – the path at which to save the downloaded file; any parent directories of this path will be created as needed

  • verify (bool) – whether to verify the package’s digests against the downloaded file

  • keep_on_error (bool) – whether to keep (true) or delete (false) the downloaded file if an error occurs

  • progress – a callable for constructing a progress tracker

  • timeout (float | tuple[float,float] | None) – optional timeout to pass to the requests call

  • requests.HTTPError – if the repository responds with an HTTP error code

  • NoDigestsError – if verify is true and the given package does not have any digests with known algorithms

  • DigestMismatchError – if verify is true and the digest of the downloaded file does not match the expected value

Core Classes

class pypi_simple.IndexPage[source]

A parsed index/root page from a simple repository

projects: list[str]

The project names listed in the index. The names are not normalized.

repository_version: Optional[str]

The repository version reported by the page, or None if not specified

last_serial: Optional[str]

The value of the X-PyPI-Last-Serial response header returned when fetching the page, or None if not specified

classmethod from_html(html: str | bytes, from_encoding: Optional[str] = None) IndexPage[source]

New in version 1.0.0.

Parse an HTML index/root page from a simple repository into an IndexPage. Note that the last_serial attribute will be None.

  • html (str or bytes) – the HTML to parse

  • from_encoding (Optional[str]) – an optional hint to Beautiful Soup as to the encoding of html when it is bytes (usually the charset parameter of the response’s Content-Type header)

Return type



UnsupportedRepoVersionError – if the repository version has a greater major component than the supported repository version

classmethod from_json_data(data: Any) IndexPage[source]

New in version 1.0.0.

Parse an object decoded from an application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+json response (See PEP 691) into an IndexPage. The last_serial attribute will be set to the value of the .meta._last-serial field, if any.


data – The decoded body of the JSON response

Return type


classmethod from_response(r: Response) IndexPage[source]

New in version 1.0.0.

Parse an index page from a requests.Response returned from a (non-streaming) request to a simple repository, and return an IndexPage.


r (requests.Response) – the response object to parse

Return type


class pypi_simple.ProjectPage[source]

A parsed project page from a simple repository

project: str

The name of the project the page is for

packages: list[pypi_simple.classes.DistributionPackage]

A list of packages (as DistributionPackage objects) listed on the project page

repository_version: Optional[str]

The repository version reported by the page, or None if not specified

last_serial: Optional[str]

The value of the X-PyPI-Last-Serial response header returned when fetching the page, or None if not specified

classmethod from_html(project: str, html: str | bytes, base_url: Optional[str] = None, from_encoding: Optional[str] = None) ProjectPage[source]

New in version 1.0.0.

Parse an HTML project page from a simple repository into a ProjectPage. Note that the last_serial attribute will be None.

  • project (str) – The name of the project whose page is being parsed

  • html (str or bytes) – the HTML to parse

  • base_url (Optional[str]) – an optional URL to join to the front of the packages’ URLs (usually the URL of the page being parsed)

  • from_encoding (Optional[str]) – an optional hint to Beautiful Soup as to the encoding of html when it is bytes (usually the charset parameter of the response’s Content-Type header)

Return type



UnsupportedRepoVersionError – if the repository version has a greater major component than the supported repository version

classmethod from_json_data(data: Any, base_url: Optional[str] = None) ProjectPage[source]

New in version 1.0.0.

Parse an object decoded from an application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+json response (See PEP 691) into a ProjectPage. The last_serial attribute will be set to the value of the .meta._last-serial field, if any.

  • data – The decoded body of the JSON response

  • base_url (Optional[str]) – an optional URL to join to the front of any relative file URLs (usually the URL of the page being parsed)

Return type


classmethod from_response(r: Response, project: str) ProjectPage[source]

New in version 1.0.0.

Parse a project page from a requests.Response returned from a (non-streaming) request to a simple repository, and return a ProjectPage.

  • r (requests.Response) – the response object to parse

  • project (str) – the name of the project whose page is being parsed

Return type


class pypi_simple.DistributionPackage[source]

Information about a versioned archive file from which a Python project release can be installed

Changed in version 1.0.0: yanked field replaced with is_yanked and yanked_reason

filename: str

The basename of the package file

url: str

The URL from which the package file can be downloaded, with any hash digest fragment removed

project: Optional[str]

The name of the project (as extracted from the filename), or None if the filename cannot be parsed

version: Optional[str]

The project version (as extracted from the filename), or None if the filename cannot be parsed

package_type: Optional[str]

The type of the package, or None if the filename cannot be parsed. The recognized package types are:

  • 'dumb'

  • 'egg'

  • 'msi'

  • 'rpm'

  • 'sdist'

  • 'wheel'

  • 'wininst'

digests: dict[str, str]

A collection of hash digests for the file as a dict mapping hash algorithm names to hex-encoded digest strings

requires_python: Optional[str]

An optional version specifier string declaring the Python version(s) in which the package can be installed

has_sig: Optional[bool]

Whether the package file is accompanied by a PGP signature file. This is None if the package repository does not report such information.

is_yanked: bool = False

Whether the package file has been “yanked” from the package repository (meaning that it should only be installed when that specific version is requested)

yanked_reason: Optional[str] = None

If the package file has been “yanked” and a reason is given, this attribute will contain that (possibly empty) reason

has_metadata: Optional[bool] = None

Whether the package file is accompanied by a Core Metadata file. This is None if the package repository does not report such information.

metadata_digests: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None

If the package repository provides a Core Metadata file for the package, this is a (possibly empty) dict of digests of the file, given as a mapping from hash algorithm names to hex-encoded digest strings; otherwise, it is None

property sig_url: str

The URL of the package file’s PGP signature file, if it exists; cf. has_sig

property metadata_url: str

The URL of the package file’s Core Metadata file, if it exists; cf. has_metadata

Construct a DistributionPackage from a Link on a project page.

  • link (Link) – a link parsed from a project page

  • project_hint (Optional[str]) – Optionally, the expected value for the project name (usually the name of the project page on which the link was found). The name does not need to be normalized.

Return type


classmethod from_json_data(data: Any, project_hint: Optional[str] = None, base_url: Optional[str] = None) DistributionPackage[source]

Construct a DistributionPackage from an object taken from the "files" field of a PEP 691 project detail JSON response.

  • data – a file dictionary

  • project_hint (Optional[str]) – Optionally, the expected value for the project name (usually the name of the project page on which the link was found). The name does not need to be normalized.

  • base_url (Optional[str]) – an optional URL to join to the front of a relative file URL (usually the URL of the page being parsed)

Return type



ValueError – if data is not a dict

Progress Trackers

class pypi_simple.ProgressTracker[source]

A typing.Protocol for progress trackers. A progress tracker must be usable as a context manager whose __enter__ method performs startup & returns itself and whose __exit__ method performs shutdown/cleanup. In addition, a progress tracker must have an update(increment: int) method that will be called with the size of each downloaded file chunk.

__enter__() T[source]
__exit__(exc_type: Optional[type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType]) Optional[bool][source]
update(increment: int) None[source]
pypi_simple.tqdm_progress_factory(**kwargs: Any) Callable[[Optional[int]], ProgressTracker][source]

A function for displaying a progress bar with tqdm during a download. Naturally, using this requires tqdm to be installed alongside pypi-simple.

Call tqdm_progress_factory() with any arguments you wish to pass to the tqdm.tqdm constructor, and pass the result as the progress argument to PyPISimple.download_package().


with PyPISimple() as client:
    page = client.get_project_page("pypi-simple")
    pkg = page.packages[-1]
        progress=tqdm_progress_factory(desc="Downloading ..."),

Parsing Filenames

pypi_simple.parse_filename(filename: str, project_hint: Optional[str] = None) tuple[str, str, str][source]

Given the filename of a distribution package, returns a triple of the project name, project version, and package type. The name and version are spelled the same as they appear in the filename; no normalization is performed.

The package type may be any of the following strings:

  • 'dumb'

  • 'egg'

  • 'msi'

  • 'rpm'

  • 'sdist'

  • 'wheel'

  • 'wininst'

Note that some filenames (e.g., 1-2-3.tar.gz) may be ambiguous as to which part is the project name and which is the version. In order to resolve the ambiguity, the expected value for the project name (modulo normalization) can be supplied as the project_name argument to the function. If the filename can be parsed with the given string in the role of the project name, the results of that parse will be returned; otherwise, the function will fall back to breaking the project & version apart at an unspecified point.

Changed in version 1.0.0: Now raises UnparsableFilenameError for unparsable filenames instead of returning all Nones

  • filename (str) – The package filename to parse

  • project_hint (Optional[str]) – Optionally, the expected value for the project name (usually the name of the project page on which the filename was found). The name does not need to be normalized.

Return type

tuple[str, str, str]


UnparsableFilenameError – if the filename cannot be parsed

Parsing Simple Repository HTML Pages

class pypi_simple.RepositoryPage[source]

New in version 1.0.0.

A parsed HTML page from a PEP 503 simple repository

repository_version: Optional[str]

The repository version, if any, reported by the page in accordance with PEP 629

A list of hyperlinks found on the page

classmethod from_html(html: str | bytes, base_url: Optional[str] = None, from_encoding: Optional[str] = None) RepositoryPage[source]

Parse an HTML page from a simple repository into a RepositoryPage.

  • html (str or bytes) – the HTML to parse

  • base_url (Optional[str]) – an optional URL to join to the front of the links’ URLs (usually the URL of the page being parsed)

  • from_encoding (Optional[str]) – an optional hint to Beautiful Soup as to the encoding of html when it is bytes (usually the charset parameter of the response’s Content-Type header)

Return type



UnsupportedRepoVersionError – if the repository version has a greater major component than the supported repository version

A hyperlink extracted from an HTML page

text: str

The text inside the link tag, with leading & trailing whitespace removed and with any tags nested inside the link tags ignored

url: str

The URL that the link points to, resolved relative to the URL of the source HTML page and relative to the page’s <base> href value, if any

attrs: dict[str, str | list[str]]

A dictionary of attributes set on the link tag (including the unmodified href attribute). Keys are converted to lowercase. Most attributes have str values, but some (referred to as “CDATA list attributes” by the HTML spec; e.g., "class") have values of type list[str] instead.

Streaming Parsers

Parse an HTML page given as an iterable of bytes or str and yield each hyperlink encountered in the document as a Link object.

This function consumes the elements of htmlseq one at a time and yields the links found in each segment before moving on to the next one. It is intended to be faster than RepositoryPage.from_html(), especially when the complete document is very large.


This function is rather experimental. It does not have full support for web encodings, encoding detection, or handling invalid HTML. It also leaves CDATA list attributes on links as strings instead of converting them to lists.

  • htmlseq (Iterable[AnyStr]) – an iterable of either bytes or str that, when joined together, form an HTML document to parse

  • base_url (Optional[str]) – an optional URL to join to the front of the links’ URLs (usually the URL of the page being parsed)

  • http_charset (Optional[str]) – the document’s encoding as declared by the transport layer, if any; e.g., as declared in the charset parameter of the Content-Type header of the HTTP response that returned the document

Return type



UnsupportedRepoVersionError – if the repository version has a greater major component than the supported repository version

Parse an HTML page from a streaming requests.Response object and yield each hyperlink encountered in the document as a Link object.

See parse_links_stream() for more information.

  • r (requests.Response) – the streaming response object to parse

  • chunk_size (int) – how many bytes to read from the response at a time

Return type



UnsupportedRepoVersionError – if the repository version has a greater major component than the supported repository version


pypi_simple.PYPI_SIMPLE_ENDPOINT: str = 'https://pypi.org/simple/'

The base URL for PyPI’s simple API

pypi_simple.SUPPORTED_REPOSITORY_VERSION: str = '1.0'

The maximum supported simple repository version (See PEP 629)

Accept Header Values

The following constants can be passed as the accept parameter of PyPISimple and some of its methods in order to indicate to the server which serialization format of the Simple API it should return:

pypi_simple.ACCEPT_ANY: str = 'application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+json, application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+html, text/html;q=0.01'

Accept header value for accepting either the HTML or JSON serialization without a preference

pypi_simple.ACCEPT_JSON_ONLY = 'application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+json'

Accept header value for accepting only the JSON serialization

pypi_simple.ACCEPT_HTML_ONLY = 'application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+html, text/html;q=0.01'

Accept header value for accepting only the HTML serialization

pypi_simple.ACCEPT_JSON_PREFERRED = 'application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+json, application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+html;q=0.5, text/html;q=0.01'

Accept header value for accepting either the HTML or JSON serialization with a preference for JSON

pypi_simple.ACCEPT_HTML_PREFERRED = 'application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+html, text/html;q=0.5, application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+json;q=0.1'

Accept header value for accepting either the HTML or JSON serialization with a preference for HTML


exception pypi_simple.DigestMismatchError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Raised by PyPISimple.download_package() with verify=True when the digest of the downloaded file does not match the expected value


The name of the digest algorithm used


The expected digest


The digest of the file that was actually received

exception pypi_simple.NoDigestsError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Raised by PyPISimple.download_package() with verify=True when the given package does not have any digests with known algorithms

exception pypi_simple.NoSuchProjectError[source]

Raised by PyPISimple.get_project_page() when a request for a project fails with a 404 error code


The name of the project requested


The URL to which the failed request was made

exception pypi_simple.UnsupportedContentTypeError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Raised when a response from a simple repository has an unsupported Content-Type


The URL that returned the response


The unsupported Content-Type

exception pypi_simple.UnsupportedRepoVersionError[source]

Raised upon encountering a simple repository whose repository version (PEP 629) has a greater major component than the maximum supported repository version (SUPPORTED_REPOSITORY_VERSION)

declared_version: str

The version of the simple repository

supported_version: str

The maximum repository version that we support

exception pypi_simple.UnexpectedRepoVersionWarning[source]

Bases: UserWarning

Emitted upon encountering a simple repository whose repository version (PEP 629) has a greater minor version components than the maximum supported repository version (SUPPORTED_REPOSITORY_VERSION).

This warning can be emitted by anything that can raise UnsupportedRepoVersionError.

exception pypi_simple.UnparsableFilenameError[source]

Bases: ValueError

New in version 1.0.0.

Raised when parse_filename() is passed an unparsable filename


The unparsable filename