Source code for pypi_simple.progress

from __future__ import annotations
from import Callable
import sys
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Optional, TypeVar

if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 8):
    from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable
    from typing_extensions import Protocol, runtime_checkable

T = TypeVar("T", bound="ProgressTracker")

[docs]@runtime_checkable class ProgressTracker(Protocol): """ A `typing.Protocol` for progress trackers. A progress tracker must be usable as a context manager whose ``__enter__`` method performs startup & returns itself and whose ``__exit__`` method performs shutdown/cleanup. In addition, a progress tracker must have an ``update(increment: int)`` method that will be called with the size of each downloaded file chunk. """
[docs] def __enter__(self: T) -> T: ...
[docs] def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> Optional[bool]: ...
[docs] def update(self, increment: int) -> None: ...
class NullProgressTracker: def __enter__(self) -> NullProgressTracker: return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: pass def update(self, increment: int) -> None: pass def null_progress_tracker() -> Callable[[Optional[int]], ProgressTracker]: def factory(_content_length: Optional[int]) -> ProgressTracker: return NullProgressTracker() return factory
[docs]def tqdm_progress_factory(**kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[Optional[int]], ProgressTracker]: """ A function for displaying a progress bar with tqdm_ during a download. Naturally, using this requires tqdm to be installed alongside ``pypi-simple``. Call `tqdm_progress_factory()` with any arguments you wish to pass to the ``tqdm.tqdm`` constructor, and pass the result as the ``progress`` argument to `PyPISimple.download_package()`. .. _tqdm: Example: .. code:: python with PyPISimple() as client: page = client.get_project_page("pypi-simple") pkg = page.packages[-1] client.download_package( pkg, path=pkg.filename, progress=tqdm_progress_factory(desc="Downloading ..."), ) """ from tqdm import tqdm def factory(content_length: Optional[int]) -> ProgressTracker: return tqdm(total=content_length, **kwargs) return factory